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 COURSES ...>>>... ALS




ALS Course /Advanced Life Support/


·    Introduction of resuscitation teams conception. Training of managers and members of resuscitation teams for proper action in case of cardiac arrest in adults and circumstances occurring in period before and at the cardiac arrest.

·    Recognition of patients with cardiac arrest risk. Identification of causes, implementation of actions preventing an occurrence of cardiac arrest.

·    Solving problems occurring in situations accompanying the cardiac arrest - elements of communication with team, patient’s relatives and decisiveness in emergency situations.

Addressees of course:

The course is directed to occupational groups taking care of patients in states of life threat: physicians, nurses, medical rescuers, working in areas of intensive medical supervision /ICU, IT, Emergency Rooms, Hospital Emergency Unit, Ambulance Service/. Candidates should possess the professional experience and proper medical qualifications.


1.  Preparations before the course: each participant is given handbooks for the course /at least four weeks before the course/ with command of familiarization with its content and Pre-test. This is a test of choice which aim is to evaluate initial knowledge of the candidates. Result does not influence the end mark of the course. It is expected from the candidates to possess knowledge and competencies in range of basic life support.

2.  The course is carried in two- or two-and-a-half day program. Exercises are led by instructors of European Resuscitation Council. An intensive time of the course comprises lectures, shows, discussions and working stations. The main elements of training are exercises in small groups /to eight persons for 2-3 instructors/ using scenarios simulated on manikins adjusted to performance of advanced life support (venal access, mechanical ventilation, intubation, possibility of arrhythmias generation, defibrillation performance). Maximal number of participants is thirty two persons /four groups for eight persons/


·        Perspectives of ALS

·        Causes and prevention of sudden cardiac arrest

·        Acute Coronary Events

·        Universal algorithm of sudden cardiac arrest ALS

·        Postresuscitation Care

Exercises and workshops:

·        Airways supply

·        Monitoring, recognition of arrhythmias, 12-lead ECG
    dwunastoodprowadzeniowe EKG

·        Defibrillation

·        Cardiac arrhythmias – treatment

·        Acid-base balance

·        Cardiac arrest – exercise scenarios

·      Cardiac arrest in specific situations /submersion, drowning, hypothermia, pregnancy, anaphylaxis, intoxication, asthma, hypovolemia/


·        Ethical and legal aspects of cardiac arrest

·        DNAR Protocol


·    Introduction of resuscitation teams conception on the basis of simulated cardiac arrests scenarios. Presented by experienced instructors, leading to improvement of way of evaluation and treatment of patients and decisiveness when undertaking the resuscitation actions, using the elements of positive criticism.


·    Participants are evaluated during the simulated scenarios. Evaluated are their abilities in range of conduction of the basic life support, safe defibrillation and knowledge of algorithms of action in states of life threat.

·    On the last day of the course, a test of choice on issues brought up during the course is also carried out.

A positive result of theoretical and practical test is connected with obtainment of certificate of Polish and European Resuscitation Council. The course requires a recertification every five years.


In 2002, by virtue of agreement with European Resuscitation Council, Polish Resuscitation Council was qualified to carry out the courses on basic and advanced life support in concordance with requirements of European Resuscitation Council.


We warmly invite